Young, wild and free

  We have done it we reached a quarter of a century, but we will always be the crazy kids that drives our mom and older sister crazy! 

Being a twin is a funny thing, it’s an incredible thing, a beautiful thing and you never really realize it till you miles apart. We always got mad when people confused us or mistake us for one another unless we were doing it for fun.  

 Being a twin means you have a best friend from the day one. It means that you never left alone to face this world on your own, it means you get to trick people into believing you one another , it means that you have a person that will never let you down and just accepts you as a whole because in the end you make each other whole. It means you have a go to person , some one to run to for advice or to share a funny story or a secret or to show some new stupid dance move to because you know it will make their day! 

  And no we don’t feel each other’s pain or read minds or whatever crazy things you think twins do haha we just two kids that look alike.

  It’s the second year we apart for our birthday. It’s just not the same without you. Thinking about it id be so excited to just wake up to coloring books and crayons and getting all artistic with you while we lay on the floor eating breakfast just like we did as kids even at the age of 25! 

But here’s to another year of life and here’s to us , here’s to meeting up somewhere new in the world and tricking my friends that you me or just blowing their mind that there two of me in this world! 

  Happy birthday kid! Wishing you many more and that the next one you will be back beside me helping me take over the world again. I’m so proud of all you have done and achieved in the past year and I know this year will only bring so much more! Here’s to growing old but staying kids in search of adventure. 

  Here’s to always being our own and each other’s superheroes! 

Have a great one kid and know that you are loved and missed more than words! 

(P.S sorry for the embarrassing school pic but you look adorable)

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